I remember back in the days growing as a child, before the PS1, 2 or 3, X-Box etc, Cable TV and cellular phones were for the wealthy, we will come from school, after doing our homework (because mum always shouted at us to), we were very active, outdoorsy kind of kids. Despite the regular TV programs Vlotron, Thunder Sub, etc, we would all still come outside to play really hard no matter how much we might have had to eat, games such as Catcher (Tag), Ten Te (for girls), Police and Thief, and so on, those were the good old days and we then never worried about being overweight, falling ill or having heart related illness because we were heart healthy. All was well but of recent, seems like all the fun faded with time, kids are all indoors playing video games, do not interact with each other and are not street smart.
People do not tend to walk or stroll short distances, we drive our cars; we use intercoms or mobile phones in our offices when we could just walk into the next office, using the lift in-place of the stairs etc in short, we have lost it, the little activities that we in time past did or engaged in to exercise our bodies has been swapped for one level of comfort or the other. As we all know, “Health is Wealth”. In our bid to live a healthy life, we are to engage in various forms of activities to exercise and keep our bodies healthy but not all of us exercise regularly. This may be due to excuses like the current technological advancement on-going around us in the world today, time factors, stress etc, if this be the case then, what is to become of the FUTURE GENERATIONS?
If not for us then, for our generations yet unborn, we are to engage in heart healthy activities to reduce the rate of cardio-vascular diseases or illnesses, staying fit via regular exercise and eating healthy. We all may not notice but people die on a daily basis due to Cardio related causes.
The Nigerian Heart Foundation (NHF), an affiliate of the World Heart Federation, Geneva, is a non-profit making and non-governmental organization concerned with the promotion of health and socio-economic well-being of Nigerians especially in the area of heart diseases.
NHF was inaugurated in July 1992 by a group of eminent Nigerian citizens, seasoned professionals from diverse background including medical practitioners and mass media experts. All NHF's activities and programmes are geared towards achieving three goals:
· Prevention and cure of heart diseases,
· Promotion and support of research on cardio-vascular disease,
· Public enlightenment on prevention of heart diseases and promotion of heart health.
NHF is a founding member of the African Heart Network and we have the following objectives:
1. To promote the health and social well being of Nigerians especially in the areas of prevention and treatment of heart and allied diseases.
2. To organize International, National and Local conferences, Seminars, Workshops and participate in forums on topics related to heart diseases.
3. To disseminate up-to-date information on heart and other related diseases.
4. To establish contact and affiliate with other groups, persons, organizations and associations with similar interests either within or outside the country.
5. To establish and administer research fund.
6. To create awareness, educate and enlighten the public on behavioural modification for the prevention of heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems.
Nigeria’s 1st Salsa Festival & World Record Attempt by The Latin Dance Club of The Latin Dance Company is honoured to be supported by and is in conjunction with the Nigerian Heart Foundation (NHF) and together, we advocate for a heart healthy Nigerian society.
With the support of the Nigerian Heart Foundation (NHF), lets Live and engage in heart healthy activities.
Come Salsa your hearts out...
Cheers NHF,
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